About Us
About Us:
The Team:
The Eventourpia team is made up of a mix of people. Gaurav and Aryan take care of corporate events. Prem is the wedding guru. Gaurav is the creative one. Aryan is the merchandise expert. In addition to this group of people, a large support team helps out in everything the company does.
One thing we can truly say about our team is that we are very passionate about our job!
How can we help you organise a successful event?
- A-Z event planning. We shall work on your event from beginning to end. You may relax and leave everything to us.
- Venue Consultancy. Finding a venue in India is not as easy as people make it sound. While handling an extensive list of events & trips , we know and have contact with hundreds of venues & vendors ,one of which will most definitely fit into your event scenario.
Who Are We
A Planner & Creator
Our Mission
To make you celebrate
What We Do
Organising Events & Trips
Our history
Eventourpia is an events and trip planning company which was formed back in 2017. The company offers A-Z event planning services from a team of experienced and energetic event planners, suppliers, venues and more. One of the main reasons behind the success of Eventourpia is the fact that the team is too creative. With the number of events we organise, Eventourpia does not need to add exorbitant fees and mark-ups to make its profit margins. This ensures that our clients list, which is constantly growing, make regular use of our services.E
Meet the team
Why choose us?
Truly the success of every event is in the details, and the best event planners are also the ones who have a complete system for how they go about preparing for events and that accounts for absolutely everything.
Event management can be massively stressful and require loads of overtime, and our team is passionate about it.
In an era of shrinking budgets and shorter lead times, we are very agile of mind and be able to put things together fast as well as change course quickly.
Even the smallest events have hundreds of details, and for large events I have seen event budgets that spill into thousands of details by themselves. As an event manager, you have to not only track all these details but know when they change and know how one change in one area affects things in other areas of the event.
Many people think that a great event planner is one who is very vocal and barks out orders constantly, but in fact the opposite is true: the best event planners are great listeners who take in lots of ideas, input and advice and then act on this. Great event planners also realize that the true purpose of an event is to achieve your client’s goals and deliver the best experience to the intended audience.
Most people think that, when it comes to event planning, having a vision applies mainly to event design, but in truth this applies to the entire gestalt of the event.
We have expertise team to meet all requirements.